"Hey Girl" Blog

Choosing to love after hurt 💔

Alot of people give up on love after hurt. But they’re also giving power to the person that hurt them. They move on, while you stay stuck. Stuck in that moment when hurt entered your heart. You know when you found out for sure he cheated while the whole time you were loyal. You still remember how THAT moment felt. For some they remember how it felt the moment you realized divorce was about to happen. How could I be getting a divorce when I still remember how it felt when I said i do. Hurt, hurts for real!!! And alot of times those memorable moments freeze our hearts . And our hearts remain in a place of hurt even after the situation passes . Self Vows are made to never allow anyone to do to you again what you’ve already been through. The walls are built and false healing takes place. You move right into another relationship still frozen in that moment. And once that familiar action shows. Your ration to think right is clouded by that past moment. So what do you do? You make a new vow to yourself to Love even after hurt. To heal before you move on. To be restored before you say yes. If that involves counseling. Get it. If it involves deleting social media. Do it. If it involves removing some mutual friends until your HEALED . Do it!!!!But sis don’t give up on Love. The Bible teaches us how we have a high priest that understands us. And when I think on that. The pain he endured on the cross was more than what we can imagine. It was excruciating. He didn’t deserve it. But he had to endure it. The pain didn’t last forever. What he was feeling in that moment. Couldn’t compare to what was ahead. Your story is written. Don’t allow that hurt to set you back from loving again. Allow the guidance of Christ to help you but first allow him to heal you. I love you sis keep your heart up before God in prayer. So you can love after hurt!!!!

Just breathe

January 20, 2022